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发布时间:2021-11-29 来源:win7旗舰版 浏览量:

Windows XP是美国微软公司研发的基于X86、X64架构的PC和平板电脑使用的操作系统,于2001年8月24日发布RTM版本,并于2001年10月25日开始零售。其名字中“XP”的意思来自英文中的“体验(Experience)”。该系统的默认桌面背景墙纸是Bliss,一张BMP格式的照片。是拍摄的纳帕县郊外的风景,照片中包括了高低起伏的绿山及有层积云和卷云的蓝天。


近期,由于自带的 Safari 浏览器故障频发,笔者暂且将默认浏览器设置为 Google 旗下的Chrome。我心里清楚,虽然这么做只是暂时性的,而且还占用了不少内存,但同时也给了我重新认识它的机会(因为以前 Windows 只用 Chrome)。所以,写作本文的目的就是向读者们分享,这段时间来我学到的 Chrome 使用技巧。
需要强调的是,虽然 Safari Extensions 无法与 Chrome Web Store 比拟,论底层技术和第三方兼容性,或许 Chrome 也略胜一筹,但作为原生的网络浏览器,Safari 义无反顾地担任了系统里的重要角色,并随着 OS X 的不断升级和改进,它的表现也越来越值得关注,所以,笔者实际并不建议用户使用第三方浏览器取代 Safari。
关于 Safari 的使用技巧,少数派此前有过介绍:《7 个 Safari 8.0 for Mac 的实用小技巧》。至于本文主角 Chrome 又有哪些技巧呢?请继续阅读下文。
1. Exact phrase
1. 准确搜索


The simplest and most effective way to search for something specific is to use quote marks around a phrase or name to search for those exact words in that exact order.
For instance, searching for Joe Bloggs will show results with both Joe and Bloggs but not necessarily placed sequentially. Searching for “Joe Bloggs” will surface only those that specifically have the name Joe Bloggs somewhere on the page.
例如,搜索 Joe Bloggs 时,搜索引擎会返回同时跟 Joe 和 Bloggs 相关的结果,而搜索 Joe Bloggs 时,搜索引擎只返回跟 Joe Bloggs 相关的结果。
The exact or explicit phrase search is very useful for excluding more common but less relevant results.
2. Exclude terms
2. 排除关键字


If exact phrase doesn’t get you what you need, you can specifically exclude certain words using the minus symbol.
A search for “Joe Bloggs” -jeans will find results for Joe Bloggs, but it will exclude those results for the Joe Bloggs brand of jeans.
如果准确搜索不能得到想要的结果,你可以通过使用 减号 的方式来排除特定词汇。
例如搜索 Joe Bloggs -jeans 时,搜索引擎会返回与 Joe Bloggs 匹配但已经排除关键字 jeans 的信息。
3. Either OR
3. 用 Either OR(或)进行搜索


Default text searches find results with all the words of the query. By using the OR term you can search for one or another term, not just all the terms. OR searches can be useful for finding things that you’re not sure which term will be used from a known list.
默认的文本搜索会返回所有和关键字相关的信息,通过使用 OR ,不仅能返回和关键字都相关的信息,还能返回和两个关键字分别相关的信息。在不确定哪个哪个关键字对搜索结果起决定作用时, OR 搜索是很有用的。
4. Synonym search
4. 同义词搜索


Sometimes it’s useful to search for a less specific term. If you’re not sure which term will be used you can use synonym search.
Searching for plumbing ~university will bring up results for plumbing from colleges as well as universities, for example.
例如,你搜索 plumbing ~university,则搜索引擎会返回包含 plumbing universities 和 plumbing colleges 的信息。
5. Search within a site
5. 站内搜索


The search engines of most websites are poor. You can search using Google instead by using the site or domain limiter.
Searching with followed by a search term, will find results from only Combining with explicit search terms makes it even more powerful.
在搜索引擎上输入 和搜索关键字,搜索引擎会返回网站 内和关键词相关的信息。结合准确搜索,能使这项功能更强大。
6. The power of the asterisk
6. 星号的用处


Like the blank tile in Scrabble, the asterisk works as a wild card within searches. It can be used in place of a missing word or part of a word, which is useful for completing phrases, but also when you’re trying to search for a less definite article.
A search for architect* will search for architect, but also architectural, architecture, architected, architecting and any other word which starts with architect.
类似拼图游戏 Scrabble 的空白方块,在搜索引擎中,不管关键字缺失的是一连串单词中的其中一个还是一个单词的某一部分,都可以使用星号来填补缺失的部分,这同样适用于搜索一篇确定性偏低的文章。
例如,在搜索引擎输入 architect*,则会得到所有包含 architect、architectural、architecture、architected、architecting 以及其他所有以architect 作为开头的词汇的信息。
7. Searching between two values
7. 在两个数值之间进行搜索


Searching for something with a qualifier between two ranges is a good way of answering questions. For instance, if you’re looking for the who were the British prime ministers between 1920 and 1950 a search using british prime minister 1920.. 1950 will bring up results with dates ranging between 1920 and 1950.
That’s your search term followed by two full stops and a space.
在一定范围内使用限定词来搜索某些东西是一个不错的方法。例如想要找出 1920 至 1950 年间的英国首相,直接在搜索引擎中输入 英国首相 1920.. 1950 即可得出想要的结果。
8. Search for word in the body, title or URL of a page
8. 在网页标题、链接和主体(内容)中搜索关键词


Sometimes you only want to find text either within the URL, body or title of a page. Using the qualifier inurl: will search just within the url. The qualifier intext: will search within the body, while intitle: will search only within a page title.
For example, intitle:review will bring up all the articles with “review” in the page title.
有时,你只想找出所有和关键词相关的网页链接、网页主体(内容)和标题,这时,就可以使用对应的限定词: inurl: 、 intext 和 intitle 。
例如,在搜索引擎中输入 intitle: 评测 会得到所有和关键词 评测 相关的网页标题。
9. Search for related sites
9. 搜索相关网站


The related qualifier is useful for finding similar sites. Searching for for instance, will bring up the websites of other news organisations that Google deems the most similar to the Guardian.
相关的限定词可用于搜索相关网站时使用。例如,你仅需在搜索引擎中输入 即可得到所有和 相关的网站的搜索结果。
10. Combine them
10. 组合使用(上述)搜索技巧


All these search tools can be combined to narrow down or expand searches. While some of them may be used only rarely, some such as explicit phrase searches are useful in almost all cases.
As Google and other search engines improve their understanding of the way people naturally type or say search queries, these power tools will likely become less and less useful – at least that’s the goal that search engines are working towards – but that’s certainly not the case at the moment.
随着 Google 等搜索引擎对用户自然语言理解程度的提高,这些搜索技能的适用场景会越来越少,至少这是搜索引擎的共同追求目标。但是在当下,掌握这些搜索技巧还是非常有用的。



Windows XP服役时间长达13年,产生的经济价值也较高。据评测机构StatCounter的统计,2017年1月,在中国范围内,该系统的占有率为17.79%。主要原因是“习惯XP系统”而不愿意对其升级。 部分杀毒软件推出了诸如“XP盾甲”之类的服务,以提高系统安全性。

关键词: Chrome浏览器下的10个搜索技巧你知道几个 



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